Thursday, March 19, 2009

Every good family law attorney knows a good therapist.

Well, its true. But not necessarily for the reason you might think ( attorneys dispositions will be saved for future blogs). I have been practicing in family law and working with divorcing husbands and wifes for almost 20 years, and few if any of them, should be try going through a divorce without a good therapist.

Attorneys are not therapists. We do what we can to help but our focus has to be primarily on your legal process and making sure you achieve a result that will assist you in transitioning from your married life to being single again- sometimes with children. In addition to not having the training to be a therapist-the cost for us to be your counselor and do what most others refer to 'hand holding" accrues billable hours that show up on your bill and at the end of your case you may say- was unjustified and unexpected.

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